The Goodness of the Garden . . . All the Year Round #6

In this part of the world, the heat, humidity and lack of rain have been a constant for the past month. If you’re experiencing the same thing, you might read “preservation season” and think about hours inside a comfortably air-conditioned house that keep your energy and health preserved and protected

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The Goodness of the Garden . . . All the Year Round #5

“Everything I launch into the world doesn’t produce immediate payoff. Some things take time.”
That’s so true for everything in the gardening life, and in life in general. I wrote that in February in regard to my new bird feeder. I wasn’t sure if the birds would ever come.

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The Goodness of the Garden . . . All the Year Round #3

One thing that gets me through the transition from late winter to early spring is visions of shiny, plump, red tomatoes. I get those beauties started with planting the seeds.

It’s rejuvenating to put hope into a tiny seed and watch for it to break through the surface of the

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The Goodness of the Garden . . . All the Year Round

Some Things Take Time
I’ve been working at my desk for nearly seven hours today and I’m still waiting for my first, bird visitor outside of my window.
My husband, Jim, bought me what looks like an ingenious bird feeder that is supposed to keep the squirrels out

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